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miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Primera actividad del curso MOOC

Hola soy Victoria Campos Roncero, maestra en el CEIP Ntra Sra de Guadalupe, soy especialista de inglés y tutora. Además soy jefe de estudios. Desde el curso pasado comencé a trabajar en mi aula el aprendizaje cooperativo, destacar que me encanta y cada día busco y encuentro grandes ventajas en el desarrollo de mis alumnos tanto a nivel personal, social y cognitivo. 

Realizo es curso MOOC para disponer de más herramientas y ponerlas en práctica y me encanta que estemos mostrando muchísima información sobre el aprendizaje cooperativo.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Food chain's levels:

Food chain has different levels:


    Herbivores (primary consumers).

    Carnivores (secondary consumers).


When one type of organism eats another, energy is passed from one level to another.

-Producers: use energy from the Sun to make their own food and act as a source of food for other organisms in an ecosystem.

-Consumers: obtain their energy by eating other living things. Herbivores- an animal that eats plants (grasshopper, cricket) the most number of insects are herbivores and there are big animals like giraffe, koala and the elephant. The energy from plants is eaten and used by herbivores. 1st level Consumer-Herbivores.

Carnivores- 2nd level Consumer, an animal that eats meat, lizard, dog, cat, and wolf. And there are other animals like the owl, lion and the tiger that are the 3rd level of Consumers and they are carnivores.

Third level Consumers eat Second Level Consumers

Animals that hunt and eat other animals are called predators; the animals that predators eat are called prey.

-Decomposers: are organisms that break down dead plants or animal matter and release the nutrients back into the soil. Decomposer such as bacteria, fungus and worms transfer energy to soil to make plants.

A food chain shows the feeding relationship between organisms and ecosystem.

Organisms are dependent on each other within a food chain.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

UNIT 1: ECOSYSTEMS- 4th grade (II)

Food chains and food webs

One of the most important relationships between living things in an ecosystem involves energy. Every organism needs energy in order to live. Energy moves through an ecosystem through food chains and food webs. All food chains begin with energy from the SUN.

Food chain is the feeding relationships from one organism to another in an ecosystem.

Food chain has different levels:

·         Producer.
·         Herbivores (primary consumers).
·         Carnivores (secondary consumers).
·         Decomposers.



lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

UNIT 1: ECOSYSTEMS- 4th grade

Ecosystems are communities of organisms that interact with each other and with their physical environment.

Ecosystems have living (biotic) and non living (abiotic) components.

Abiotic= non-living: rain, sunlight, temperature, minerals in the soil.

Biotic= living: Animals-Consumers, Plants-Producers and Bacteria-Decomposers.

Biotic and Abiotic factors work together for an ecosystem to survive and flourish.

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