Learn and Enjoy

Educative Blog

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Partes de la planta

Estigma: Es la parte superior del pistilo y por donde entran los granos de polen.

Pistilo: Es el cuello del estigma.

Ovarios: Es el lugar donde se desarrolla la semilla.

Pedúnculo: Es lo que une la flor con el tallo.

Sépalo: Son las hojas del cáliz, generalmente de color verde.

Pétalo: Son las hojas de la corola, generalmente de colores llamativos para atraer a los insectos.

Filamento: Es la parte del estambre que sujeta a la antera.

Antera: Es la bolsa en la que se encuentran los granos de polen.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Ríos de España

Repasad los ríos con estos mapas interactivos    

Si quieres aprender más ríos usa este mapa:

Relieve de España

Repasa el relieve de España


English Sounds: Pronunciation

Hi kids! Have a look at these amazing online resources to learn and practise English pronunciation!! 

Click here and learn the pronunciation of the English vowels, consonants and diphthongs: 


 Remember that pronouncing English is not simply "reading" what you see in writing as if it was written in Spanish. Some English sounds do not occur in our language. 

You have to pay attention to these different sounds although the letters to represent them are the same as in Spanish! Here you have two different charts with the 12 English vowels and 8 diphthongs

And here you have a chart with the English consonants:

Click here for a flash-based pronunciation resource on diphthongs, stress, intonation and a different phonemic chart:



How to describe people in English

Material Obligatorio Appearances Vocabulary


Prepositions of Time


Here are some of the most common prepositions in English in a graphic:

Adverbs of Frequency
